How has helped to reach SDGs?

Thinger has prioritized meeting as many objectives as possible in order to contribute to the future of the world and the environment. Not only that, but the company encourages to also take action and work with these goals offering an open-source platform.

5G and IoT going a step forward

5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) are closer than they appear. According to an annual report by Cisco, it is estimated that by 2023 there will be more than 30 billion connected devices. Of these, 14.7 billion will be IoT machine-to-machine (M2M) connections.

What Is an IoT Platform?

What Is an IoT Platform?

The following article will focus on why an IoT platform is needed, how it is used, how you can use popular third-party platforms, and why you may need to build your own.

What makes IoT part of the metaverse?

What makes IoT part of the metaverse?

The year 2022 has been marking what could be great future changes in the world of technology: a before and after in a sector that never stops evolving. This year, one of the things that have been making a commotion on social media is the metaverse. According to Google Trends,

What Value Does IoT Bring to Your Company?

What Value Does IoT Bring to Your Company?

IoT offers multiple opportunities for enterprises, starting by just connecting objects and resources to the internet and giving businesses insight into their operations. This helps them make informed decisions. To take advantage of the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is necessary to have a strategy.

IoT Strategic Thinking for SMEs and Startups

For the first time in a while, small companies and medium ones have the same opportunities, and you probably will be wondering: who will win the race?